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Devide the webpage with effects into several ones

It's not really convenient to look through the effects on one page. The images are pretty small. Maybe, if you make several pages with titles like "Video effects", "Celebrities","Funny ones" etc, it will look more organized.

Natalie , 28.08.2009, 14:28
Response from the site administrator
photofunia, 28.08.2009
We are planning to categorize effects in near future, we just need to come up with the actual category names. The idea is that certain effects may belong to more than one category.
Idea status: scheduled


photofunia, 28.08.2009, 14:31
The comment was deleted by the administrator
Natalie, 28.08.2009, 14:45
True. Well, i don't think it's a problem if one effect appears in a couple of sections...Or if it appears in one and isn't shown in another suitable for it. A user is gonna look through all of them anyway.
photofunia, 28.08.2009, 14:48
Could you suggest the names for the categories if think current effects could fit in? We also thought it would be cool to display a tag cloud with category names.
Natalie, 28.08.2009, 15:56
well..I would suggest Videos, Posters, Celebrities/Cartoon characters, Jobs (or Professions for astronaut, pilot etc) and Others ))
photofunia, 28.08.2009, 16:07
Thanks. We will be adding this shortly
Stella, 22.09.2009, 01:12
I agree that this is a good idea. Another thought: keep them all on one page and just break that page into sections, with a big header for each section. It is nice to have them all together on one page. Keeps us from having to click all over the place. Thanks!

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